Quick view Quick Add Tabletop still life, including a herring on a pewter dish, a porcelain bowl of shrimp, a wine glass, and a partially-peeled lemon MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Tabletop still life, including a herring on a pewter dish, a porcelain bowl of shrimp, a wine glass, and a partially-peeled lemon by Joris Van Son MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Designs for Shellball Apartments, 8300 Talbot St. at Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens, New York, NY.] [Perspective drawing of lobby (1928) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Designs for Shellball Apartments, 8300 Talbot St. at Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens, New York, NY.] [Perspective drawing of lobby (1928) by Winold Reiss MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Politicians – ‘The Whole life of that great party to which I thought I had the honour to belong….’. Lord Carnarvon. Sept 11, 1869 (1869) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Designs for Shellball Apartments, 8300 Talbot St. at Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens, New York, NY. Design for main lobby (1928) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Designs for Shellball Apartments, 8300 Talbot St. at Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens, New York, NY. Design for main lobby (1928) by Winold Reiss MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Portrait of the Artist's Brother, Svend Hammershøi MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Portrait of the Artist's Brother, Svend Hammershøi by Vilhelm Hammershoi MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add A Hunting Party; Possibly Depicting Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke Of Marlborough (1706-1758) And His Wife Elizabeth, Countess Of Marlborough (D.1761) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 A Hunting Party; Possibly Depicting Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke Of Marlborough (1706-1758) And His Wife Elizabeth, Countess Of Marlborough (D.1761) by John Wootton MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add A pewter platter with a knife and bread roll, a wicker basket with a joint of ham, grapes and a pear, a roemer of wine on a partly-draped table MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 A pewter platter with a knife and bread roll, a wicker basket with a joint of ham, grapes and a pear, a roemer of wine on a partly-draped table by Cornelis Kruys MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Rechts eine große Baumpartie mit altem Mauerwerk, auf welchem viele Inschriften eingetragen sind, links ein Brunnen MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Rechts eine große Baumpartie mit altem Mauerwerk, auf welchem viele Inschriften eingetragen sind, links ein Brunnen by Abraham Genoels Ii MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Duroc, aide de camp du premier consul, grand uniforme (1800) (Revue du general Bonaparte, par Isabey et Carle Vernet) (1869) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Duroc, aide de camp du premier consul, grand uniforme (1800) (Revue du general Bonaparte, par Isabey et Carle Vernet) (1869) by Raphael Jacquemin MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Beinpartie der den rasenden Roland zugunsten eines neuen Liebhabers verlassenden Angelika aus der ‘Szene im ariostischem Geist’ (ca. 1856) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Escarcelle ou aumônière brodée en soie et en or, que l’on crois avoir appartenu à Thibault IV, dit le grand et le chansonnier, douzième comte de Champagne. (1839) MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Escarcelle ou aumônière brodée en soie et en or, que l’on crois avoir appartenu à Thibault IV, dit le grand et le chansonnier, douzième comte de Champagne. (1839) by Nicolas Xavier Willemin MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add
Quick view Quick Add Eine Gegend mit Gebüsch, in der Mitte ein Weg, der an einer Baumpartie vorbei nach einer Burg sich zieht MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Eine Gegend mit Gebüsch, in der Mitte ein Weg, der an einer Baumpartie vorbei nach einer Burg sich zieht by Egbert Van Drielst MSRP: $19.99 - $23.99 Quick Add